The Bereavement Support Ministries assist in the healing process by comforting those who mourn and providing an outreach in the name of the parish community. Members of this committee
offer a parish presence to those in our communities who are suffering the loss of a loved one.
Ten-Week Bereavement Support Groups are offered 2-3 times per year to enable individuals to work through the steps of grieving. In addition, ongoing support follows with monthly sessions
in �Moving Forward� to address growth through the difficult changes that result from the death of a loved one. The Bereavement Team plans the annual November 2 Memorial Mass especially for all families who have
experienced a loss in the past year. Members of this ministry are compassionate people with good listening skills who have experienced the death of a loved one. This ministry responds to those suffering loss and
is based on the premise that �grief shared is grief diminished.� Members of this ministry find their belief in the Resurrection is strengthened through participation in this ministry.
Time Commitment: The Support Groups meet for 1� hours over a period of ten weeks. The parish offers 2-3 support groups per year. Facilitators for each group attend all meetings, a total time commitment
of 15 hours per group. Group Facilitators are trained by the Archdiocesan Family Life Office and help to implement the �New Day� process.