As Christian stewards, we are called to share our time, talent and treasure with others as a response to the gift God has given to us. The Stewardship Committee is responsible for communicating the stewardship way of life to the parishes through liturgies, bulletin announcements, information and parish events. The committee looks for ways to encourage and engage people to share their time, talent and treasure with our parish communities. The committee oversees the annual stewardship renewal process and the biannual parish ministry fair. Participation in this ministry helps us to live out our call to share our faith with others to meet great people, have great times and receive so much more than we give.
Members of this ministry are people of faith committed to the stewardship way of life, who are enthusiastic and creative in promoting and encouraging fellow parishioners to share
their time, talent and treasure.
Time Commitment:The committee meets eight times per year. Meetings are held for one hour. Other opportunities include the Annual Archdiocesan Evening of Stewardship and special events planned by the committee to promote stewardship.