Lenten Soup Suppers & Speaker Program

In the spirit of Lent, members of this ministry provide a simple soup supper that is shared in community in the hall at Our Lady of Victory. Speakers offer an opportunity for adult faith formation and spiritual growth as they develop a Lenten theme. Donations received are given to the Beacon on the Hill programs.
Members find that their response to this call to serve gives them a sense of satisfaction by helping to enable others to observe Lent with the community.
This ministry is an avenue for sharing your favorite soup recipes. It offers an opportunity to socialize in an intergenerational setting.
Time Commitment:Lenten Soup Suppers are held during the five Thursdays of Lent. Each event lasts approximately two hours. Time commitment varies depending on the task involved. Volunteers are needed to help with set up and clean up of the hall, serving or helping in the kitchen, or making a pot of soup to share.