Religious Education, grades 1-10

Catechists (teachers) share their faith experiences and provided curriculum with public-school students in Sunday morning or weekday afternoon and evening classes. Our program serves more than 300 children in our parishes and needs more than 25 volunteers to work effectively.
The catechist loves to share our faith and God's Word with children and teens. Creative, energetic, and dedicated adults receive training, teacher's manuals, and other support tools in order to make the classroom experience interesting and fun for students.

Time Commitment:Catechists commit 1 1/2 hours weekly to preparing for and attending class, September through April

We do NOT advocate Religious Education students skipping grade levels. Each grade level covers several important topics each year, and consistency is important in the growth of a student. Grades 2 & 3 are mandatory to receive First Reconciliation and First Eucharist. Grades 8 & 9 are mandatory to receive Confirmation which takes place in the autumn of 10th grade. Registration opens on St. Patrick's Day in March every year and ends on June 30th. A late fee is applied after theJune30th deadline. Tuition varies by grade level.

Please contact the Director, Mrs. Ruiz at (203) 933-0044 or for information.